Here Is Why We Need More Inspiration on The Internet!

Toyin Zuleiha
4 min readJan 6, 2022

Sure, words without action would amount to nothing. But there are more reasons other than laziness that keep you rooted to the spot. Here are some of the reasons I disagree with the mockery of inspirational or motivational words.

You Are Simply Lazy Or You Don’t Want It Bad Enough

Before you can act, you need to address the mindset that keeps you rooted, the mindset that makes you keep repeating the same mistakes because action without information would still amount to nothing. How can you want it bad enough when you have been told that you can’t get it? How can you want it bad enough when it has been repeated to you time and again that it is unattainable. How can you want it bad enough when you have been gently steered in a different direction because of the projected fears of your guardians? This is why inspirational words need to flood us to help us figure out where the problem lies and learn from other people’s experiences on how to address them.

Inspirational Words Are Merely Flowery

Doubts and fears are unrelenting until you achieve mastery of them.

They come to us in the voices of people around us, our parents, teachers, friends, family, boss, colleagues, etc. Those voices are sometimes strong enough that years after we have been told, we still hold on to them and it continues to dictate our lives and what we believe of ourselves.

You are rooted to your couch thinking you are just lazy oblivious that the glue that binds you to the couch are the words of your teacher in secondary school, who said you could never be an artist or you’ll never make money as an artist. The conflict started because an artist is all you want to be but you believe you can never make money from it.

You are rooted to your couch thinking you are just lazy oblivious that the glue that binds you to the couch are the words of your teacher in secondary school, who said you could never be an artist or you’ll never make money as an artist. The conflict started because an artist is all you want to be but you believe you can never make money from it.

Minute after minute, on every street and social media corner, there are those committed to putting doubts in you and you think that inspirational words are not necessary.

We are at different places and mind frames in our lives at different times.

Sometimes we are on the brink of losing it all and the words of someone might be all that we need to get back up.

Sometimes, we know what to do but we have fallen off course for far too long we don’t even remember how to trace our steps back and it is the words of someone that guide us. Events in our lives can throw us off balance that only our strength is not sufficient to pull us back up.

Inspiration from others who have walked the paths we have given up on serves as the evidence we have been searching for all along and maybe a piece of evidence is what we needed.

I discovered Medium in 2018 and I didn’t write more than a couple of articles a year until I read something from Ayodeji Awosika where he said to try writing consistently for one year and see what happens. At the time, the advice made an impression on me but I merely started writing every week. Then I read Khadeja’s article about how she made money on Medium and how she has written consistently every day. Her article met me at a point of need — when I was looking for means to earn so I could quit my job. It was striking the right chord and it was what worked for me.

Not everyone has the same level of willpower. Like many other abilities, some people are gifted with it more than others and someone has to tend to the population who needs help.

We need to be constantly reminded of our magic, of the people who believe in their magic and are now living their best lives because with the same vigor some people are committed to letting us know that we are nothing for their benefit.

We often need reminders and if we don’t have the thousands of articles that constantly remind us to stay inspired, we might be far too gone before we know it.

I would like to thank my latest followers for taking an interest in me. Hurley Riley, Duane Michael, John William Player, Priyanka Khandekar, Danielle Cressman, C.A. Jaymes, Martin William, Mpdoc, Caitlin Samminga, Mirror Mirror, Josué Molina, KIM SOUTH, Alicen Martin, Tina Hellensteiner, Livia R. Grace, Suzanne Paschall, Liam Eloie, K. Qatsi, Sohelkulkarni, thank you all.

I read this piece from Mirror Mirror that actually mirrors my thoughts on New Year and the importance that we have attached to it. She says we can make each day our new year and I think you should check it out.

For the socially awkward, I can help you get better at having conversations if you would just book me for a practice conversation for $10 an hour here.

If you would like a free copy of my upcoming e-book on How to Always Get Inspiration for Content Creation, click this link to participate in this survey.

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Toyin Zuleiha

I like to expand your perspective and world view with my words. How To Put Yourself Out There on Social Media- course #ZuleihaXpressions